Hey, have U ever heard that when facing a problem or dilemma, ask Ur heart which path U should take? what is the best choice to pick? But.. have U ever heard about this quote? Ikutkan HATI, kita MATI (follow what Ur heart says and U'll be dead!) sO, which one is the best way? for me, when U are in the middle of confuse and don't know which where to go, asking Ur heart is the best way because whether U believe it or not, Ur heart can feel which option that U should take so that U won't be regret later But again, how about the quote above? and there are many people said the same thing too.. Are they wrong? Hehe..those people and the quote are right actually Why am i saying that? It is depend on Ur heart itself.. When Ur heart is full with black spots How can it determine the white area!err good things i mean, or the right choice or maybe the person will face a problem to detect which is the right path for them!.. And when U keep feeding Ur heart with the sins, sooner or later, it will get to use with the bad things either.. That is why when the person misbehaved like cheating for the first time, he will feel unease inside his heart because the Mr. Heart has given the signal to him that he's doing the wrong thing right now.. However, if he keep ignoring the signal and keep cheating to other people, there is no doubt that the signal will light off and he will feel nothing when doing the evil things.. But, if the heart receives a good quality food, it will also give a good respond or in other words, a good or true instinct for U.. It reminds me about our stomach actually, if U give it a healthy and balance meals, it will make Ur body healthier but on the other hand, when U eat junk foods or other unhealthy meals, it will cause Ur body turn upside down! Ur lung become weak, Ur body suffered from diabetes, obesity and so on.. it just the same with our heart.. need a good therapy care in order to maintain it in a better condition.. Thus, always remember what our Beloved s.a.w said and inshaAllah, u'll be safe=)
‘Surely there is in the body a small piece of flesh; if it is good, the whole body is good, and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted, and that is surely the heart’.
Related by Imam Bukhārī in his sahih
And if U happened to 'lost' Ur heart, read the tips below, it might help U;)
Abdullah ibn Masoud (ra) said “Seek your heart in three places (check how it is feeling). (1) When you are reciting Quran (how is your heart feeling, (2) State of Dhikr (remembrance of Allah/Prophets/Companions), and (3) When you are alone. If you do not feel anything in your heart, then Ask Allah to give you a heart for you have not been given one.
p/s:Purify Ur heart can make Ur life better..InshaAllahand Assalamualaikum^_^
Assalamualaikum.. Alhamdulillah. Praise to Him, the oft Merciful, and the oft Compassionate-oUr Rabb..Because of His kindness, we are now in the final part of Ramadhan-Last 10 special nights. Hope all of us can meet the night which is like no others, and even better than thousand months! MashaAllah.. But, something struck in my mind.. Do my fasting change myself? do I manage to leave all the negative things? do I manage to move out from the bad to good? not really actually..=( Reciting this ayah, make me realize something. What should I have in order to be the a'bd of Allah which please Him all the time..and through this surah, Allah has given us the guideline to be the one.. Check it out:
Humble all the time-not possessing the riya' feeling when doing something good or when having something that put U better than other person..a good mark for example?
Cool and steady when facing those who have uneasy or hatred feelings towards U. and U even reply with a very gentle words when they talking bad about U!
Spend their night with NOT only SLEEPING straight 8-10 hours. Means that, they will wake up in the middle of night and perform tahajjud,taubat.. In other words, those who are willing to sacrifice their comfortable bed+comforter+pillow and wake up just to have a date with HIM.. ;)
Keep praying to not be included as a Hell citizen.Naudzhubillah
Not doing syirk, just worshiping HIM alone, not killing any innocent life as He hates it! and of course, not committing any acts of zina. I'm sure intermingling among brothers and sisters + coupling fall in this category..hehe
Not to forget, those who are wise in their spending which means they neither extravagance nor stingy. In the middle. Only buy what they need, not what their desire want..
And those who are hear or see things that will bring any benefits to them like bad things or the evil talk, they will go away from it..hmm, it also means that when we heard someone backbiting others, it is better to go away or just remain silent right? It reminds me with one of the hadith that we learnt in Study Circle which said Part of someone's being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that which does not concern him (at-Tirmidhi)..
When someone warns or tells them about the Ayah from Allah s.w.t, they receive it with an open heart. Not acting like an ignorance..
Having read this reminder from Allah, I've been thinking. Again. Do I have one of this attributes? at least one? This Ramadhan, I should have posses at least one of it. If I don't start it now, then when? it should be easier since all the deVils or Shayateen has been tied and the only thing that we have to fight is our self, our nafs? is it so hard?hmm..frankly speaking,yup! it ain't easy.. But, in this surah, Allah has mentioned that
75.Those will be rewarded with the highest place (in Paradise) because of their patience. Therein they shall be met with greetings and the word of peace and respect.
Paradise is the reward? don't U want it? the place where we can do whatever we want..the best place ever. And sure the price of Jannah is not cheap and if we are willing to tie our lunch budget just to have an expensive baju raya, so why are we (including me of course) so lazy to do things that can make us move one step forward to the Jannah?=( and not to forget, Allah also gives us clue that is to be patience.. It is not easy to change to something new, but its worth to try for the sake of Him..
O Allah You are The One Who pardons greatly, andloves to pardon, so pardon me.
and Allah, guide our heart to be close to U.. to do what U love and to hate what U hate.. make uS among those that U loved.. I wanna be somebody.. To U ya Rabb..just for U
16-18 haribulan lepas, sya telah pergi ke SMk Abdul Rahman Talib(SMART) atas program Kem Pemantapan Diri di bawah kelab Inspire IIUM. Ktorang telah dberitahu pd mesyuarat sbelum ni yg kata adik2 sekolah kali ini adalah yg the hardcore one. Bermaksud mereka tergolong dalam pelajar2 yg dikategorkan sbgai pelajar yg memerlukan Pemantapan dari segi sahsiah diri..Hmm..
"Kak, kitorang masuk kem nie sbab ktorng budak bermasaalah kan?" Oops.. xpernah terlintas pun kat fikiran yg adik2 ni akan terus tanya direct cam2.. Patut lar muka msg2 kelat+masam+pahit terlebih rasa bila kami melakukan aktiviti dalam kumpulan. Bila disuruh memperkenalkan diri, mulut msg2 mcm ada batu! Ckp sepatah patah..hehe. Bukannye diorng xkenal satu sama lain..kenal jer sbb semuanya budak asrama tapi bla pergi program yg dipaksa, memang hati tu secara automatik akan berat untuk participate. Yelar, spe suka pergi program atas tiket 'Problematic Students' kan.. Satu yg dapat kami kupas, adik2 ini sangat anti dgn exco asrama-marah mereka bkn sedikit, geram mereka bukan geram2 manja-kalau dibiarkan boleh melarat sampai dendam neh. Kata mereka, exco2 inilah yg bertngungjawab mnyenaraikan nama mereka utk ke kem ini dan bg mereka, kaki report ini jugalah menjadi dalang utk menconteng minyak gas ke muka mereka dgn mlaporkan perkara2 yg x sepatutnya kepada cikgu! Fuh, memg boleh nmpak ar api tu mnyala2 kat mata adik2 ini di saat menceritakan mengenai exco2 asrama.
Jawapan saya kpd mereka "Memang org luar boleh cop diri kita macam2- dari sebaik-baik malaikat smpai lar seburuk2 penjenayah.. Tapi bknnya diorang yg boleh menjadikan kita nie mcm yg diorang cakap. Selantang mana pun diorang memburukkan nama kita, menuduh kita macam2, diorang tetap xmampu untuk mengubah diri kita. Yg boleh mencorakkan kamu semua ni pelajar cemerlang er, pelajar bermasaalah er cuma DIRI KAMU sendiri. Jgn kalah dgn Mulut mereka. Diorang bule jer ckap kamu ni kaki ponteng kelas, kaki dtg lambat surau tapi diorang ada er kuasa untuk suruh korang semua buat benda tu?"
Yup, memang saya agak beremosi bila menyentuh soal nie.. Sampai terlanggar etika fasi yg xmembenarkan menggunakan perkataan korang, diorang neh..hehe. Bknnya apa, kadang2, sikap segelintir yg suka sgt dengan tabiat mengecop seseorang nie berdasarkan dari luaran sgt ler mnggeramkan hati dan menyesakkan minda saya! Teringat saya dalam satu kisah di mana Nabi Muhammad s.a.w telah menegur A'isha r.a kerana memanggil salah satu madunya dengan panggilan yg kurang menyenangkan. Kerana cemburu, A'sha telah menggelarkan isteri Rasululullah s.a.w(Xdpt dipastikan nama isteri Baginda s.a.w tersebut) dgn panggilan 'pendek'.. Nabi s.a.w dengan penuh hikmah dan lembut menegur A'sha dengan mengatakan jika perkataan pendek iu boleh dicampak ke dalam laut, nescaya seluruh isi lautan itu tidak boleh digunakan disebabkan buruknya perkataan tersebut! SubhanAllah.. A'sha wanita yg mulia pun telah ditegur dgn kerana telah menggelar seseorang dengan perkataan pendek. Kita yg telah menggelarkan seseorang dgn panggilan yg lebih buruk ni mcm mana pula?
Satu lagi aktiviti yg sempat kami lakukan dengan adik2 ini adalah debat mengenai topik Pembuangan Bayi, Berpunca daripada Siapa-Lelaki atau Perempuan? Sengaja saya menyuruh kumpulan adik2 lelaki membuat isi ianya berpunca daripada lelaki dan adik2 perempuan akan mempertahankan pendapat mengenai puncanya daripada kaum hawa sendiri. Dan ini adalah isi dari hati lelaki sendiri kenapa masalah ini berpunca daripada lelaki
Mudah tergoda dengan perempuan
X cukup iman
Mulut lelaki yg manis
Terpengaruh dengan video2 yg x senonoh
Dan ini pula ikhlas dari adik2 perempuan
Xberpakaian yg menutup aurat
Suka menggedik dengan lelaki
X menjaga adab2
Sebenarnya banyak jer lagi isi2 dari kedua2 belah pihak nie tapi time ni pulak ler otak ni jamm xdpt nak ingt.>_< Dan part yg paling menarik bagi sya apabila mereka saling memberi nasihat. Lelaki-Perempuan & Perempuan-Lelaki..
Antara pesanan adik lelaki:
Korang jagalah aurat tue, pakai baju labuh, tutup dada. Pastu, jgnlah nk goda2 laki..
Dan utusan dari pihak perempuan:
Lelaki pon, jangan manis sangt mulut tu.. Masinkan!
Kata2 mereka sempoi & direct, tapi ada benarnya di situ..kan?
Kesimpulanya, walaupun xlama kami bersama, tapi sedikt sebanyak dapat saya baca perangai masing2. Adik2 ini bukannya sukarela mahu terlibat dengan masaalah disiplin, tapi mereka terdidik dengan suasana begitu dan puncanya kebanyakan datang samaada kerana Family Problems or Peer's Influences.. Usaha pihak sekolah untuk mencegah masalah ini daripada peringkat awal tersangatlah dipuji memandangkan masalah sosial yg da semakin parah! Dan yg paling menyedihkan juga kebanyakan yg terlibat dalam masalah ini adalah Muslims.. =( Program kali ini adalah yg kedua bagi saya dan jika dibandingkan dengan sekolah yg lepas, penatnya lebih terasa dengan program kali ini walaupun adik2 di sekolah dulu lebih ramai dalam kumpulan saya iaitu 11(dan saya harus conduct berseorangan, sedangkan kali ini saya berteman) berbanding kali ini 7 , adik2 sekolah sebelum ini juga lebih mudah untuk cooperate, huhu! Tapi, entah kenapa program kali ini terasa lebih terkesan, mungkin kerana pelajar hardcore lebih dekat dhati?;)
Assalamualaikum.. Watch this Its really interesting
I like the quote from the video..so inspiring! MashaAllah.. Change Ur thought, then U can change Ur world Then I think, if we can change our world or in other words, ourself- There's no doubt we can change the world or surrounding! InshaAllah.. I guess, its all about our mindset At least that's what I understood when watching this video..^_^
The ninja, at first, thought that the flies are the problems He tries very hard to kill its and actually, by doing that He lets the flies distracting him Sounds familiar? Ok, try this In life, problems, obstacles are not something that can be avoided Each of U will be faced it no matter who U are or where U come from Hey, Allah already said it in His Love Letter Compilation! Look here
Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere (2:155)
E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E will be tested by our Rabb But, what makes the difference is the way we handle it and if we handle it improperly The difficulty could distracting us and of course, will make our head blown up! Back to the video Did Mr. Ninja manage to kill the flies? Nop! U watch the video rite?=) The flies are keep increasing! But later, he realized something If he keeps killing or cutting the flies into the pieces, It worth him nothing The flies will keep rising, he will keep fighting and his body and time will pay for it Because.. His body will lost a lot of energy And his time will be wasted and he could not focus on his meditation So, what he should do now is changing his mind setting Don't see the flies as the annoying one But as the beautiful petals and the sound of bugging flies is like a streaming of water So calm and peaceful.. By doing this, he succeed to overcome the distraction
I've learnt something from this.. When facing a difficulty, there's a situation U have to face first Whether to think positive or negative Either to be an optimist or a pessimist It reminds me with the story of half empty or half full glass If U are the optimist type, U'll see the glass as the half full but If U are the pessimist one, U'll see it as the half empty glass So, in other words For the positive thinkers, the difficulty is a challenge for them Its also a test for them to rise up to the upper level Also one way to drag them to move beyond the limit Get out from the comfort zone Discover the new potential that sometimes we don't even realize that we able to do that! Don't be the pessimist one.. Which takes problems as something that can let their spirit down.. Its like tomorrow never comes or that is the end of the life..
Yes, I do know that some people have this questions in their mind
Why i have been tested in this way? It's just so hard for me..
On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (2:286)
See! Allah will give us a test because He knows that we can overcome with it. Its like when U have been given an important task from Ur leader, what would U feel? I'm sure all of us will feel proud, feel like we are important to our leaders because they trust on U. They realize that U have the ability to perform the task better than others. The same thing happened here! When U face a challenge and U feel like want to give up, always remember that Allah knows U can face it. He knows that U can overcome with it. That is why He gives U this test especially for U.. not to the others!
How I should face it? I'm clueless and helpless =(
O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear Allah; that ye may prosper.(3:200)
Nay, seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and prayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who bring a lowly spirit (2:45)
Both ayah have emphasized the important to be patient and also turn to Allah as He is the only one can guide us to the right way.. Some people will turn away from Allah when he's in difficulty. They feel like Allah is not there to help them. He loss his hope to Allah. Naudhubillah
There are among men some who serve Allah, as it were, on the verge: if good befalls them, they are, therewith, well content; but if a trial comes to them, they turn on their faces: they lose both this world and the Hereafter: that is loss for all to see! (22:11)
This ayah mentioned about those people who only serve Allah when the good things happened to them and betray Him when a trial comes to them. Allah also said that these kind of people will lose both world and hereafter! Subhanallah.. May Allah protect us from becoming one of this people and let us be the one who will be with Allah through thick and thin.. Ameen
Why I fail to succeed? I've put all my efforts but still, the result is not like what I want..
...But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.(2:216)
Again, Allah knows the best. He is Ur Creator, my Creator and our Creator.. Put Ur full faith on Him. It is not impossible that Ur wish will bring harm to U.. who knows? This is not Ur time yet. Take that failure or the challenge as a lesson straightly comes from Allah! Maybe U've done something bad for examples, U forget Him when U're so busy preparing for Ur exam.. or maybe U have hurt Ur parent's hearts or hurting others people feeling with Ur acts! Think about it for a sec...or even better, Allah might want to reward U for Ur patience and that is why He gives U all the hardships.. Come on. Think positive with Allah s.w.t. If U can think positive to other people- His own creations, why can't U think the same way to Our God? Don't forget, He is the MOST COMPASSIONATE one!..Just stick to Allah's way and U'll never stray to wrong path since He'll be there for U.. He will..
My last words here, let's change our mindset. Don't be scared about what will happen in future. How can U touch the sky if U don't fly? How can U know it's a mistake if U don't try? I have watched a TV series which one of the actors said sometimes the big mistake is when U don't give Urself a chance to know whether the choice U made is a mistake or not..Well.. I guess the point is clear there. And also, how U're going to change the world if U failed to change Ur own world due the failure to change Ur own thought?
Deceive-Lie-Betray-Trick Different words but have the same meaning It's also an act that can hurt someone Especially to the loved one What is the purpose to do this? Someone I know used to tell me this, To survive in this world, sometimes,lying is a MUST! Or else,someone will 'eat' you But for me, when someone is deceiving others This is because, he or she want to hide the truth Trust me, This is also the reason why I used to tell lies b4.. hmm.. But then, I started to realize When you start telling a lie You will create another one For eg; A teacher asked his student, John about why he did not come to school yesterday Teacher: Why did U absent from school yesterday? John : Owh..I'm having a fever(actually, he went to the cyber cafe) Teacher: Really..so, did U bring Ur MC? John : Sorry sir.. I didn't go to see the doc. Nobody's can take me there Teacher:Really. Where's Ur parents? John : Urm..Both of them are not in home..They've gone on vacation.for a week Teacher: Vacation?without U?in the middle of month? John : Yeah..they are having their erm..2nd honeymoon! That's why they have gone without me and they picked this date because..They want to avoid traffic jam! U know sir, how crazy the traffic can be sometimes especially during holidays.haha (John started to feel uneased,his trying his best to hide the truth) Teacher: I see..now I understand why U couldn't bring the MC John : (He feels relieved when thinking his teacher believe in his story) Teacher: But what I don't understand here, can U explain to me why is Ur mother is waving at us right now with ur books on her hand?! John : erk.. That's my mother's twin.. (Oh My God!)
Did U get something? John keep lying in order to cover the truth. That's also can happen to us. Ok. Maybe the story is just a normal situation which bring no harm. But how about, when John keep practicing lies to cover his acts, what happen to him when he grown up? Especially when he gets married.. Do you really think he will speak no lies towards his wife and family when he is doing something wrong?of course not! The reason? Because John is habituated to it and he perfect in it So, what is relationship if it based on lies? Besides love, the trustworthy is also an important thing to build a relationship right? And, just put Ur place to his family position How would U feel when U know someone is cheating on U? Hurt right? especially when it comes from the one that U really trust
So,what I'm trying to say here Just tell the truth Speak no lies No matter how hard the reality it is, I'm sure no one like to be deceived Yes, telling the truth is hard, sometimes it can lead to the bad consequences This is where U should know what is the best situation and the best way to tell the person And if the person cannot accept it, just let them be Give them some times And for U Deep inside in Ur heart, U will feel relieve because At least, one burden has been removed from Ur shoulders Plus if U creating the lies, U will be caught up If its not today, it will be another day..
Narrated 'Abdullah:
The Prophet said, "Truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. And a man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a truthful person. Falsehood leads to Al-Fajur (i.e. wickedness, evil-doing), and Al-Fajur (wickedness) leads to the (Hell) Fire, and a man may keep on telling lies till he is written before Allah, a liar." (HR Bukhari)
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three: Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; and whenever he promises, he breaks his promise; and whenever he is entrusted, he betrays (proves to be dishonest)". (HR Bukhari)
And if someone has admitted something to U, My advice is, Forgive them.. Appreciate their courage to tell U the truth instead of telling lies U know, it is no easy to admit the mistakes especially the serious one At least, tell them, U may forgive, but not forget And also, help them to fix the problem instead of yelling or cursing them Always remember this, Nobody is perfect Today is their day Tomorrow? Maybe one day we will be in their shoes..
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger." (HR Bukhari)
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
The Prophet said, "Make things easy for the people, and do not make it difficult for them, and make them calm (with glad tidings) and do not repulse (them )." (HR Bukhari)
Do you know-even the word Islam itself is derived from Arabic word salama which mean peace..hmm
And do you know our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was sent by Allah swt to perfect the akhlak’ , the behavior and the mindset of Arab people at that time..
Our prophet s.a.w has taught Islam- the beautiful way of life
Which the teachings are about how to worship the only god, Allah swt
To do good to your parents, love and respect them
Don’t believe me? Check this out
Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to your parent. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in honour(Al-Isra’:23)
Besides that, Allah also said
And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say:
“My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood.” (Al-Isra’:24)
And Prophet s.a.w also has emphasized it to us so many times! And to give you a few..
·Yazid b. Abu Habib reported that Na'im, the freed slave of Umm Salama, reported to him that 'Abdullah b. 'Amr b. 'As said: There came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) a person and said: I owe allegiance to you for migration and Jihad seeking reward only from Allah. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Is one from amongst your parents living? He said: Yes, of course, both are living. He further asked: Do you want to seek reward from Allah? He said: Yes. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Go back to your parents and accord them with kindly treatment. ( HR Muslim)
·Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: It is narrated on the authority of 'Abdur-Rahman b. Abu Bakra that his father said: We were in the company of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) that he observed: Should I not inform you about the most grievous of the grave sins? (The Holy Prophet) repeated it three times, and then said: Associating anyone with Allah, disobedience to parents , false testimony or false utterance. The Holy Prophet was reclining, then he sat up, and he repeated it so many times that we wished that he should become silent. (HR Muslim)
And also, when the song mentioned about the charity, the singer got the point.. Wanna proof?
·Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Seven people will be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His. They are:
a just ruler;
a young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah, (i.e. worship Allah (Alone) sincerely from his childhood),
a man whose heart is attached to the mosque (who offers the five compulsory congregational prayers in the mosque);
two persons who love each other only for Allah's sake and they meet and part in Allah's cause only;
a man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for an illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah;
a person who practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given (i.e. nobody knows how much he has given in charity).
a person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes get flooded with tears."
(HR Bukhari)
·Narrated 'Aisha:
Some of the wives of the Prophet asked him, "Who amongst us will be the first to follow you (i.e. die after you)?" He said, "Whoever has the longest hand." So they started measuring their hands with a stick and Sauda's hand turned out to be the longest. (When Zainab bint Jahsh died first of all in the caliphate of 'Umar), we came to know that the long hand was a symbol of practicing charity, so she was the first to follow the Prophet and she used to love to practice charity. (Sauda died later in the caliphate of Muawiya). (HR Bukhari)
Plus! Allah also has ordered us-Muslims to pay zakat or the obligatory charity tax. Some of our properties will be given to the needy for the sake of Allah, to help those in difficulty-
And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity..(Al-Baqarah:110)
By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give ( freely)of that which you love; and whatever you give, of a truth Allah knows it well(Al-Baqarah:92)
So, with all of these, do you still think that Muslims are terrorist? Ok.. maybe there’s some people will ask this question;
How about the things that I’ve seen in TV? Muslims bombing hotels, planes and etc..
Let me explain to you here..
People of the world.....
Do you know the truth about..... Islam?
Or do you think it's about
Bombing planes and killing innocent people.....?
Forget about the lies.....
I' am here to tell you how it really is.....
You deserve to know the truth
About this beautiful way of life.....
Yes! In Islam, Allah swt and Prophet s.a.w did ask Muslims to commence a war BUT with certain conditions.When having a war, it is PROHIBITED for the Muslims to kill women and children;
Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that a son of Kab ibn Malik (Malik believed that ibn Shihab said it was Abd ar-Rahman ibn Kab) said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, forbade those who fought ibn Abi Huqayq (a unfaithful jew from Madina) to kill women and children. He said that one of the men fighting had said, 'The wife of ibn Abi Huqayq began screaming and I repeatedly raised my sword against her. Then I would remember the prohibition of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, so I would stop. Had it not been for that, we would have been rid of her.’ " (HR Malik)
Yahya related to me from Malik from Nafi from Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, saw the corpse of a woman who had been slain in one of the raids, and he disapproved of it and forbade the killing of women and children. (HR Malik)
Islam also taught the Muslims to not to kill the innocent people, instead treat them kindly eventhough there are not Muslims as long as they do not bring harm to us;
Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who are just (Al-Mumtahanah:8)
Now, can you see! How Islam promoting the peace, not terrorism! And how Islam teaching the Muslims to do good to others, not oppressing them like some other racers did! Yup, I do understand, maybe some people might get confused. Why the Muslims commit the things that are not reflected them as a Good Muslim. This is because
Too many people wear a title of a Muslim
But they don't practice Islam..
Yeah, listen here- Islam is a perfect religion! But the Muslims, the people (including me) are not..And my advice-
If you want to study Islam, study the religion itself, not the PEOPLE! If you want to see the examples of a REAL MUSLIMS, look at the Prophet s.a.w and also his companions.. I’m not saying all the Muslims nowadays are bad,nop! That’s not my point. You still can see there’s some people who still hold to Al-Qur’an and Sunna.. And this people are those you can ask or refer if you wanna know the REAL TEACHINGS of Islam..Believe me, once you know the truth about Islam, you will see the reasons why we called ISLAM-A BEAUTIFUL WAY OF LIFE